September Birthstone


Sapphire can be found in a rainbow of colors but the most traditional birthstone for September babies is the royal to dark blue Sapphire.

Sapphire is the third hardest mineral following diamond and moissanite.

Physical & Emotional Balance:

In the Middle Ages the gem was believed to protect those close to you from harm and also represented loyalty and trust.


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10k Yellow Gold Marquise Petite Birthstone Rings
From $ 119.00
GarnetAmethystAquamarineWhite TopazEmeraldRhodolite GarnetRubyPeridotBlue SapphirePink TourmalineCitrineBlue Topaz+ 9 more
10k Yellow Gold
10k or 14k Gold 4.5mm Round Gemstone Celtic Knot Side Rings
From $ 229.00 $ 303.03 Sale
GarnetAmethystAquamarineWhite TopazEmeraldRhodolite GarnetRubyPeridotSapphirePink TourmalineCitrineBlue Topaz+ 9 more
10k Yellow Gold14k White Gold14k Yellow Gold