Appearance: The emerald is transparent to translucent green. It is prized for its brilliance.
Emeralds are known for their flaws, which can also verify their authenticity. Due to their brittleness, they tend to crack if banged on something and are sensitive to extreme temperatures.
Birthstone by Month & Zodiac: The emerald is the birthstone for May / Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Physical and Emotional Balance: The wearer of the emerald is a seeker of love and revealer of truth. The emerald is the “Stone of Successful Love”
Emeralds bring love, the enjoyment of life to the fullest, prosperity, abundance, compassion, healing and fertility.
Origin: Emeralds can be found in the U.S., Brazil, China, Afghanistan, Russia, So. Africa
Mohs Hardness: 7.5-8