November Birthstones

Citrine & Topaz

The incredibly rare Imperial Topaz, also known as Precious Topaz, was the original birthstone, but citrine was added in the early 1900s as a more affordable and available option. 

Imperial topaz is a medium to deep-red reddish orange. This is one of the most expensive shades of the stone. Honey topaz or smokey topaz is a great, lesser-priced alternative.

Citrine, the modern day gem, is a quartz gemstone found in golden shades ranging from pale yellow to deep brownish orange. 


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10k or 14k Gold 4.5mm Round Gemstone Celtic Knot Side Rings
From $ 229.00 $ 303.03 Sale
GarnetAmethystAquamarineWhite TopazEmeraldRhodolite GarnetRubyPeridotSapphirePink TourmalineCitrineBlue Topaz+ 9 more
10k Yellow Gold14k White Gold14k Yellow Gold