
Tanzanite is a rare and highly valued gemstone known for its stunning blue to violet-blue color. It was discovered relatively recently, in 1967, and is found exclusively in Tanzania near Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzanite's color can vary depending on the lighting, exhibiting a pleochroic effect that makes it appear blue, violet, or burgundy depending on the angle of view.

Birthstone by Month & Zodiac: Tanzanite is considered an alternative birthstone for the month of December and is associated with the Zodiac sign Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21).

Physical and Emotional Balance:  Tanzanite is believed to promote physical healing and emotional stability, fostering inner peace, clarity of mind, and spiritual growth.

Origin:  Tanzanite is found exclusively in the Merelani Hills near Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, East Africa. Its discovery occurred in 1967, making it a relatively recent addition to the world of gemstones.

Mohs Hardness:  6.5 - 7


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Boucles d'oreilles en or 14 carats avec panier de pierres précieuses rondes
À partir de $ 189.00 $ 291.24 Offre
Bleu vertBleu saphireTanzaniteémeraudeTourmaline verteGrenat TsavoriteRubisSaphir roseSaphir jaune+ 6 de plus
Pendentifs inspirés de l'infini en or blanc 14 carats de 3 mm
À partir de $ 209.00
émeraudeBleu saphireTanzaniteTopaz bleuSaphir roseAméthysteRubisGrenatCitrine+ 6 de plus