
Appearance:  Citrine is transparent and yellow variety of quartz. It has been found as pale to dark golden yellow, and brownish-orange.

Birthstone by Month & Zodiac: Citrine is the official birthstone for November and is the planetary stone for the sun sign Virgo (August 23-September 22).

Anniversary: Citrine is given for 13th and 17th wedding anniversaries.

Physical and Emotional Balance:  Citrine is a happy stone, which can bring happiness; it is a joyful stone which lights up many aspects of the lives of those who work with it.
Citrine carries power of the sun, warm and comforting.

Origin:  U.S., Spain, Brazil, Africa, So. Africa, France, Britain,
Madagascar, and Russia.

Mohs Hardness:  7


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Pendentifs coeur en argent sterling avec pierres précieuses et diamants
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